Empowering your e-commerce software development with our insights

  • Selectia Platformei de Comerț Online – SMB

    Selectia Platformei de Comerț Online – SMB

    Următoarea structură a unui document poate fi un început și o variantă succintă legată de procesul de alegere a unei platforme de comerț online. Structura vă poate ajuta atât în procesul de selecție și a compara mai multe potențiale soluții, cât și în cazul unei platforme custom, e punct de pornire pentru cerințele de business…

  • Toxic communication in code reviews

    Toxic communication in code reviews

    Shared on linkedin some ideas about the Magento 2 code review process, in a mixed sarcastic and maybe funny way. Hope it provides some ideas about better communication in the code review process for Magento 2 (Adobe Commerce).

  • Magento (Adobe Commerce) Incidents: RCA (Root Cause Analysis) or LFI (Learn From Incidents)?

     I would share some ideas about incident management when using Magento 2 (Adobe Commerce) platform: – In most cases RCA is de facto approach (if there is a structure in place)– LFI requires multi-faceted people in terms of their skills (need to be able to understand the broader picture, how the organisation works, most teams…

  • Best practices for Magento 2 Adminhtml controllers

    Best practices for Magento 2 Adminhtml controllers

    And regarding actual implementation, controllers should extend the \Magento\Framework\App\Action\Action class for frontend controllers or \Magento\Backend\App\Action class for admin controllers, rather than directly implementing any specific interface like HttpGetActionInterface. However, starting from Magento 2.3, the use of HttpGetActionInterface, HttpPostActionInterface, HttpPutActionInterface, and HttpDeleteActionInterface is recommended to explicitly specify the HTTP request methods that your controller action should…

  • …. we’re doing this because we thought it was easy

    …. we’re doing this because we thought it was easy

    Some food for thought for all the E-Commerce developers out there, Product Owners, Technical Leads and Solution Architects working on large and complex projects: “We are not doing this because it is easy, we’re doing it because we thought it was easy”“The challenge of hidden complexity is not in completing the task, but in surviving…

  • Developers onboarding

    Developers onboarding

    From my technical perspective I always found value in the ability to hit the ground running, Mainly the automated setups part. Automating the setup of development environments and tools ensures consistency and minimizes the likelihood of issues arising due to manual errors. Less waiting time, less dependencies. This can be accomplished using tools such as…

  • Engineering Maturity

    Engineering Maturity

    When you develop software, there are multiple ways to do it. It can be similar to scribbling a business plan on the back of a napkin vs a top consulting firm presentation. However, a mature engineering process will render long-term results. Therefore, a CTO or a Technical Lead has this direction to follow. In case…

  • Commerce Architecture: Migration of legacy platforms

    Commerce Architecture: Migration of legacy platforms

    Had a good conversation today about what options companies have to migrate legacy platforms, which are usually also monoliths. There are a few potential approaches to migrating a legacy e-commerce platform to a more modern solution: I believe the best example for lift and shift was moving the monolith from dedicated infrastructure to the cloud……

  • Are you getting the most out of your Magento 2 Unit Tests?

    Are you getting the most out of your Magento 2 Unit Tests?

    While some developers may view unit testing as a waste of time, there is a growing understanding that effective unit testing can help improve code quality and reduce the risk of regressions. However, simply writing unit tests is not enough. To truly benefit from unit testing, developers need to be strategic in how they approach…

  • Instead of Hello world!

    Instead of Hello world!

    I am Florinel and I am passionate Magento / Adobe Commerce Developer. E-commerce expert and Entrepreneur with over a decade of experience in delivering end-to-end solutions for major Online Retailers. In the past (2016-2021) I represented Romanian E-commerce at both national and EU level as the Executive Director of ARMO – Romanian E-Commerce Association. I…